Volunteer as an Usher

Help Light the way

Calling all live music, film, comedy, and podcast fanatics — we would love to have you on our team in the future! As a volunteer usher, you help ensure our patrons of all ages have the best experience, all while seeing the shows YOU love.

Sign Up Today

Thanks for your interest in becoming a Paramount and State usher. Our volunteer roster is currently full. If you’d like to be contacted the next time we have openings, please sign up and we’ll notify you about the next orientation and training session. Fill out the form below, or contact Stefanie Crock at scrock@austintheatre.org for more information.

  • Our volunteer roster is currently full. If you would like to be contacted the next time we have openings, please indicate so below and we will contact you before the next orientation and training session.
    Please indicate which event genres you most enjoy. Select all that apply.
  • Please indicate how you heard about the Paramount volunteer Usher program.


Your dedicated support helps make our nightly live shows and films possible. We are proud to recognize your invaluable years of service in helping us welcome generations of Austinites and thousands of Central Texas students to our theatres each year.


Lois Goodman


Rachel Deaton
Calvin D. Gordon
Dorinda Hickey

Deborah Rothschild
Dave Senecal
Ken Tolces

Jan Tolces


Marian Alexander
Carol Biedrzycki
Linda Ann Cearnal
Linda Dennis
Steve Englander
Janette Johnston

Sara Jane Lee
Pamela Mathison
John Quinones
Cynthia Reynolds
Peach Reynolds
Nancy Rowland

Stan Slater
Joy Stollings
Luke Stollings
Kristi Thorne
Barbara Wensel


Carolyn Collier
Robert Dillon
Debra Galloway
Dorothy Gorecki
Frances Ledenbach

Greg Ledenbach
Judith Lehman
Kim Lehman
Carolyn Peterson
Gail Pitchford

Lisa Quinn
Craig Rasmussen
Samm Shive
Cynthia Stein
Linda Wiegman


Steve Nair
Melissa Snell

Willy Snell
Laura Sturtz

Hester Weigand
Rich Weigand


Taren Alexander
Marjene Anderson
Heather Baade
Ellen Bell
Curry Blaha
Derek Blaha
Vincent Boisineau
Feather Bradford
Carol Brown
Mike Brown
Mary Jane Burson
Andee Chamberlain
Tom Concannon
Margaret N Daniels
Deborah Jane Diaz Rodriguez
Elizabeth Doubleday
Renee Doyon
Ellen Elmore
Patricia Farnsworth
Patti Fenter
Michael Field
Maria Olivia Garza
Stu Goldberg

Dawn Goldberg
Elizabeth Gray
Paul Greenlaw
Derek Hansen
Eileen Held
Barbara Kimbel
Holly Klemm
Larry Klemm
Alison Kniker
Gary Kosut
Lalitha Krishnan
Victor Laitinen
Zelda Laitinen
Ellen G. Lasser
Julie R. Littlefield
Jana Long
Vivian Loya
Debbie Maquet
Sarah McCleary
Crystal McLane
Jean Ellen Might
Daniel Moses
Subra Narayanaiyer

Diane Nunez
Karen OBrien
Tina Parmer
Annabel Pena
Mike Polston
Linda Roberts
Tomas Rodriguez
Melissa Rothrock
Dave Rusin
Leslie Sanders
Cecilia Schmidt
Samson Seablom
Clare Smith
Eliana Smith
Brookie Stapleton
Audrey Thompson
Dale Thompson
Cynthia Thompson
Jim Trawicki
Linda Vaughn
Judy Weinacht


Huma Ahmad
Michelle Andrews
Keira Aukamp
Jodi Renee Berger
Chris Bethke
Bill Borom
Ken Bostwick
Jane Botkin
Linda L Bramblett
Jackie Burniske
Michelle Butler
Laura Caffrey
Jami C. Carroll
Kelly Chambliss
Maria Chaves-De La Cruz
Joe Chenger
Gee Clark
Ben Clark
Sarah Corley
Christi Crow
Reah Dahl-Stamnes
Knut Dahl-Stamnes
Ralph De La Cruz
Deborah DeWitt
Alec Engelberg
Gayle Engels
Lori Exline
Terry Lee Exline
Robin Exposito
Lisa Falvey
Patrick Falvey
Charles Fannin
BA Fillo
Gayle Fincannon
Burton Fitzsimmons
Nobuko Fogarty
Richard Fremont
Harold Frisch
Lisa Fuka
Peg Gavin
John Gillen
Gary Goodman
Pat Goodman
Patricia Goubil-Gambrell
Loel Graber

Samantha Greenleaf
Martha Griffin
Julie Hall
Margaret Hanks
Lindsey Noel Hernandez McKinley
Joan Hester
Takako Howell
Elisa Huang
Diana Hunter
Jannelle Imken
Cindy Jaso
Dana Johnson
Mike Johnson
Nicholas Jurica
Greg King
Debby Kohrt
Ajit Krishnamoorthy
Hannah Kwan
Karen Langley
Bonnie Lankford
Stephanie Lechuga
Elizabeth Leight
Joanne Letlow
Dave Lilly
Sue Lilly
Judy A Lister
Jenifer Lloyd
James Long
Jennie Loomis
Jerry Loomis
Barbara Madrigal
Kevin Martinez
Dawn McDaniel
Bill McDonald
Mary McDonald
Gris Brandon McKeithen
Bonnie McKinstry
Margeaux McLane
Krista McManus
Fred McMillen
Candace Million
Cindy Mills
Thomas Miner
Susan Minor
Susan Mirza

Michele Moragne e Silva
Katie Morrissey
Julia Nations
Jen Neve
George Obermaier
Susan Obermaier
Katy Orell
Page Ormbrek
Noelle Parsons
Margaret Phillips
David Ponsa
Allie Quill
Ayne (Ann) Ray
Jessica Reed
Milt Reichek
Peter Dominic Riley
Doris Robitaille
Elizabeth Romero
Selena Salva
Elizabeth Schwartz
Fred Scott
Judy Scott
Dana Shapiro Spaeth
Marcia Price Shultz
Todd Sloan
Eric Snader
Kara Snyder
Robert Snyder
Cameron Sours
Charlotte Spencer
Jeffrey H Squires
Lisa Bracken Squires
Brian Stansberry
Marsha Steinback
Fran Stelly
Ardeth Still
Bryan Swain
Emily Swain
Jeremiah Tash
Kim Tsai
Gina Vargas
Pat Vrazel
Leah Waheed
Elizabeth (Liz) West
Felecia Williams-Dennis